Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Poetry Bus

Follow this link to an awesome publication of poetry, short stories, art, and music!  Snag your copy now!

Get some copies for your friends, too.

rainwriter jones

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Disciplining The Willful Child and the Legal System

Total ridiculousness!  There aren't many topics which chap my hide as much as that of a whiney, out of control teenager complaining about being disciplined.  As Americans, we are taking children's right to be autonomous way too far.  When do we as parents/adults have the right to discipline?

Back in the day, I remember when parents not only had the right to spank their kids, but even the principal's office would take a swing or two.  I'm going to tell you something, when you knew all the adults in your life not only the right and/or obligation to discipline your ass, you straightened up:  QUICK!  Today, you can't only not spank, you can't even tell a child that they are out of line for fear they'll call Child Protective Services (CPS). 

Rachel Canning, a New Jersey high school honor student, is suing her parents for abandonment, demanding they provide financial support and pay for her college tuition.  She also claims she was forced to leave their household once she turned 18.  Her parents say she was a willful child with whom they tried to instill rules to stop her rebellious behaviors.  Long story short, she's at odds with her parents because she wanted to break house rules, party, and live with her boyfriend.  Ha!  I think the boyfriend's family are idiots for taking in this willful child, and they will live to regret it.  But that's for another blog post.  Where did Rachel's parents fail so that she thought she could run to others for support of her childish behaviors?  Should the court actually intervene on her behalf to seek a financial remedy of which she made of her own volition?  Time to feel the real sting of not having the shelter of your parents' nurturing, Rachel!  In other words, you reap what you sow.  This is where adults come into play:  Though the courts aren't allowing us to take charge.  Instead, they reprimand us for taking a strong parenting role. 

I know of someone going through a similar situation.   She and her husband took in a foster child with behavior problems and like Rachel, had her own idea how life should be led.  She's been very defiant; difficult to redirect.  As they encouraged her to go to school (as opposed to skipping it); not to lie, cheat, or steal (she already had a felony on her record); and for God's sake:  To clean her room, how did she repay them for opening their home to her?  By calling CPS!  Today, children know that overzealous investigators will indeed come out, thusly gaining the juvenile response they wanted by getting their caretakers "in trouble."  When speaking with another grandparent, I had to chuckle when she told me she handed their granddaughter the telephone, gave her the number to CPS, and lastly, told her to pack her bags to go with them! 

I'm not sure that the powers that be realize in allowing children to become autonomous before they have a full grasp of all the consequences of their actions/inactions is criminal unto itself.  Without proper guidance, they are left to their own devices and let’s face it, if they were capable of making proper choices, they wouldn't get into the fixes in which they often find themselves.  Adults make fouled choices, too, but the difference being is that we know better!

There needs to be a better plan in helping children grow as productive adults that doesn't involve the legal system.  Untie our hands:  Let us parent!


rainwriter jones


Friday, January 3, 2014

The Forming of "Wild Animal Things"

Today my husband showed me a photo his long-haul trucker brother texted him of a young brutha on a HUGE billboard outside of Kansas City, KS.  Why was he there?  Not because he was a celebrity, but he is Kansas' most wanted criminal!  Young man, only 23 years old, wanted for two murders (amongst other crimes).  How did he end up being a "wild animal thing?"

What I've been so noting with the youth of this generation is that they live for drama.  There doesn't seem to be a need for peace and enlightenment like in the 60s; they stir the pot until it's overflowing (attention-seeking behavior)?  The violence associated with this drama is appalling, but the apathy is even worse.  They don't care.  But, why should they?  The current mindset of the establishment doesn't allow for second chances.  Yes, many folks get "caught up," but those who have the money are allowed to have their hands slapped, then continue on with their lives (even get their own t.v. shows or a memoir about their experience).  Meanwhile, those who don't have the means to buy their way out of legal or financial troubles are left living under bridges!  Lets face it, why should these young folk care?  In a country wherein the citizens would pay $3,600 for a Superbowl ticket, but are unwilling to pass a levy to improve their schools shows that there is a disconnect.  What's more important?  Watching a football being tossed back and forth, or assuring that our young folk are getting educated so that they may take care of US in the future?

College?  What is that?  Definition:  An educational goal unachievable by the masses.  It's almost as if the lower/middle classes are being targeted to fail.  When I was up and coming, just about everyone had the opportunity to continue their education past high school.  Now a young person has to beg, borrow, and/or steal to get the chance to further their education.  I grew up back in the day when education was a right, NOT a privilege. 

Jobs?  Another right that has been denied by the powers that be.  The greed of a few leave us without roofs over our heads and sleeping in cars.  When there are not only homeless men forging through garbage cans, but entire families left to suffer at the hands of indifference, there's a definite problem that needs to be addressed.

The internet can be a blessing and a curse.  Petty crimes are now being used to keep adults from acquiring employment.  Along with this, employers often times do not hire full-time workers, making parents work 2-3 jobs each to make ends meet.  Thus, children are left to raise themselves.  With no adult to guide these kids, they are left to form their own image of what a man or woman is.

So, this is just a start of how youngsters become wild animal things.  Attention-seeking behaviors result in dire consequences.  What are we to do?  Without basic needs such as food, shelter, education, employment, and love, society will continue to disintegrate.  It's a shame because I can see the future as a nightmare.  Until we start addressing the fact the opportunities we were afforded before the 90s are not being offered to our young ones, we will continue to see the decline in our society which is wrought by the uncaring, greedy corporations and political systems. 

rainwriter jones