Responsibility. Quite a mouthful for young babes. I have been trying to instill a sense of "caring for someone outside yourself" type of attitude with my daughters. Sometimes it works without intervention, sometimes I have to use a firm hand to get my point across.
My elder daughter BEGGED me to keep a feral kitten a few days ago. I was going to let nature take it's course, but changed my mind seeing as though she is older now (nearly 19), and should be able to take responsibility for this young life with a wee bit of help from myself. Well, the kitten stopped sucking on the nipple about 24 hours ago, and was in obvious need of hydration and nutrition. What was she doing? Online and texting! I'm like, damn, call the doctor and see if there is anything you should be doing to help it. If she doesn't survive, at least you know YOU did all you could. Reluctantly, she goes to the vet and picks up a syringe to force-feed the kitten. She comes back, feeds the kitten, and then smiles with pride.
Yes, as adults we have to look outside of what we want to do for the betterment of those around us. Being "self-less" is a difficult concept for some to grasp, but it is very rewarding once you get it.
I wonder when young adults "get it." Do you know? Please help me out on this one! (LOL)
rainwriter jones